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Presenter:  Robert Rogers
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 hr.

Location: ZOOM

Topic:  Psilocybin Mushrooms:
The Magic, Science and Research

The history of magic mushrooms from ancient civilizations up to the present. Includes the resurgence in human clinical trials for anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD and other mental health concerns.

Robert Rogers has been an herbalist for over 48 years and is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild. He earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Alberta, where he is presently an assistant clinical professor in Family Medicine. He is also an adjunct professor in Graduate Studies at York University in Toronto. He presently teaches plant and mushroom medicine, aromatherapy and flower essences in the Earth Spirit Medicine faculty at the Northern Star College in Edmonton, Alberta. Robert is also a faculty member of the School of Western Herbal Medicine at Pacific Rim College. The author of 52 books on medicinal plants and fungi of the boreal forest, Robert authored The Fungal Pharmacy, A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle, Mushroom
Essences, and Herbal Allies that documents his journey with plant medicine.
His latest book, Psilocybin Mushrooms: The Magic, Science and Research was published in October 2021.


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