Kananaskis Country Wilderness Wednesday (1st Wednesday of the month) is a free day with no payment required for conservation pass or parking.
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: South Jumping Pound Demonstration Forest area.
Foray Leader(s): Christine Costello, Taylor Routledge
Attendees: 36
Weather: The weather was a mix of sun and cloud and temperatures ranged from 15-20°C.
Terrain: Mostly flat with a small hill towards a lower stream and small pond. The forest is a mix of pine, spruce and aspen.
The Calgary region had received some rain a couple of days earlier. However, on the Tuesday and Wednesday, strong winds had significantly dried out the area. The ground was quite dry, even in the mossy areas. Some mushrooms were found closer to a few wetter locations but the numbers were small.
Finds: Listed below are the names of specimens found. Many thanks to Taylor Routledge for his taxonomic skills.
- Gyromitra esculenta (mostly dried and older)
- Suillus brevipes (1 found)
- Fomitopsis mounceae
- Fomitopsis ochracea
- Gloeophyllum sepiarium
- Lichenomphalia erictorum
- Psathyrella sp.
- Arrhenia epichysium
- Kuehneromyces lignicola
- Xeromphalina campanella
- Cortinarius Sect. dermocybe ( dye pot corts)
- Gymnopilus sp.
- Gymnopus dryophilus
- Pholiota Sect. Carbonicola
- Entoloma sp.