Ethan and Mel led a foray in the Tawatinaw Valley. They found morels, oysters, and a variety of other interesting things

Date:  Sunday, June 2, 2024. 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Location: Tawatinaw Valley

Foray Leader(s):  Ethan Zapach, Mel Hohn

Attendees: 23

Weather: Normal, dry

Terrain: Maintained Trails, Animal Trails

Finds: listed below in alphabetical order

  1. Cerenna sp.
  2. Chlorociboria aeruginescens
  3. Coprinellus micaceus
  4. Fomes fomentarius
  5. Fomitopsis mounceae
  6. Ganoderma applanatum
  7. Gymnopus dryophilus
  8. Inocybe sp.
  9. Lycoperdon sp.
  10. Morchella americana
  11. Morchella elata
  12. Mycena haemelopus
  13. Pleurotus populinus
  14. Psathyrella sp.
  15. Stropharia ambigua
  16. Trichaptum biforme
  17. Tubaria sp.
  18. roughly 5 more unidentified and misplaced