Date:  Saturday, August 12, 2023. AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Water Valley Area – Cattle Lease

Foray Leader(s):  Christine Costello, Barb Shworak

Attendees: 10

Weather: Sunny, temperatures in the 15-19’C range. Conditions were somewhat dry.

Mostly aspen / poplar with some spruce. Some areas were quite grassy.

A fair assortment of mushrooms was found although not in any large quantities.  A fun group of people and a goodtime had by all.  Listed below are the names of specimens found – names may not necessarily reflect the most current scientific genus.

  1. Agaricus sp
  2. Amanita muscaria / vaginata / sp
  3. Bjerkandera adjusta / Smoky bracket
  4. Calvatia booniana
  5. Calvatia sp
  6. Cortinarius sp – varius
  7. Ganoderma applanatum / Artist’s conk
  8. Gloeophyllum sepiarium
  9. Lactarius deliciosus group
  10. Leccinum insigne / boreale / aurantiacum  / Scaber stalks various
  11. Lycoperdon pyriforme / Puffballs on rotting wood
  12. Mycena sp.
  13. Paxillus involutus / Poison pax
  14. Peziza repanda / Spreading cup
  15. Pholiota squarrosa / Scaly pholiota
  16. Phyllotopsis nidulans
  17. Pluteus cervinus / Deer mushroom
  18. Polyporus varius / Black footed polypore
  19. Polyporus badius / Bay Brown polypore
  20. Polyporus elegance
  21. Ramaria sp.
  22. Russula brevipes / Short stemmed russula
  23. Russula olivacea / Green russula
  24. Russula ochroleuca / Yellow russula
  25. Russula decolorans
  26. Russula emetica
  27. Russula foetid group
  28. Russula sp
  29. Russula xerampelina / Shrimp russula
  30. Tramates trogii
  31. Trichaptum biforme