• Species: Clavatus
  • Genus: Gomphus
  • Attributes
    • Depressed and Convex cap
    • Edible
    • Gills are attached
    • Pores are its hymenium type
    • Brown spore print
    • Typically seen in fall and winter

Gomphus clavatus is commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere and in North America it’s found in mountainous regions and along the west coast (during the winter). The mushroom ranges in color, with young fruiting bodies typically looking violet and progressing to tan-color as they age. It’s cap is lobed and irregular and depending on its stage of maturity, can range from broadly convex to very depressed.

Fruiting bodies can grow up to 10cm across and 5cm high. Gomphus clavatus have mycorrhizal associations with conifers and can be found growing near spruce or fir trees or on their own.

The mushroom is also known as the Pig’s Ear!

(Photo provided by Christine Costello)