When the fruiting body is typically seen

Cortinarius caperatus

Species: C. caperatus Genus: Cortinarius Attributes Cap: radial striations, wrinkles, 5-15 cm broad Gills: short, adnexed Stem: membranous ring in middle of stem, 5-13 cm long, 1-2.5 cm thick Spore print: rusty brown This lovely edible mushroom was long known as Rozites caperata before genetic studies revealed that it belonged to

Cortinarius caperatus2023-11-26T08:53:14-07:00

Entoloma Rhodopolium

Species: Rhodopolium Genus: Entoloma Attributes Umbonate cap Adnate and notched gill attachment Pink spore print Typically seen in summer and fall Entoloma rhodopolium is part of a group of very similar mushrooms, separated by minor morphological and ecological preferences. Usually a variety of light browns, grey-browns, or pale yellow-browns,

Entoloma Rhodopolium2023-11-21T13:39:00-07:00

Tricholoma Saponaceum

Species: Saponaceum Genus: Tricholoma Attributes Absent veil Convex and umbonate cap Non-edible Adnexed gill attachment White spore print Typically seen in fall and winter Tricholoma saponaceum is one of the most confusing, variable mushrooms we have here in Alberta. Its convex cap, usually with a broad umbo, varies in

Tricholoma Saponaceum2023-11-21T13:09:14-07:00

Morchella spp.

Species: spp. Genus: Morchella Attributes Conical cap Edible Typically seen in spring The Morchella genus of mushrooms are commonly known as 'morels'. They can range in colour from yellow to brown and black. The caps are usually a conical shape and resemble a honeycomb with pits and ridges. The

Morchella spp.2023-11-21T13:04:47-07:00

Guepinia Helvelloides – Apricot Jelly

Species: Helvelloides Genus: Guepinia Attributes Edible Its hymenium type is smooth Absent veil White spore print Typically seen in spring, summer and fall Guepinia is a genus of fungus in the Auriculariales order. It is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Guepinia helvelloides, commonly known as the apricot jelly. The fungus produces salmon-pink, ear-shaped, gelatinous fruit bodies that grow solitarily or

Guepinia Helvelloides – Apricot Jelly2023-11-21T13:01:41-07:00

Calvatia Gigantea – Giant Puffball

Species: Gigantea Genus: Calvatia Attributes Edible Typically seen in summer and fall Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as the giant puffball, is a puffball mushroom commonly found in meadows, fields, and deciduous forests usually in late summer and autumn. It is found in temperate areas throughout the world. All true

Calvatia Gigantea – Giant Puffball2023-11-21T12:56:04-07:00

Leccinum Insigne

Species: Insigne Genus: Leccinum Attributes Convex cap Edible Pores are its hymenium type Typically seen in spring and summer Leccinum insigne, commonly known as the aspen bolete or the aspen scaber stalk, is a species of bolete fungus in the family Boletaceae. There have been documented cases of  adverse

Leccinum Insigne2023-11-21T12:53:20-07:00

Gomphus Clavatus

Species: Clavatus Genus: Gomphus Attributes Depressed and Convex cap Edible Gills are attached Pores are its hymenium type Brown spore print Typically seen in fall and winter Gomphus clavatus is commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere and in North America it's found in mountainous regions and along the west

Gomphus Clavatus2023-11-21T12:49:37-07:00

Panaeolus Cinctulus

Species: Cinctulus Genus: Panaeolus Attributes Absent Veil Convex cap Free gill attachment Gills are its hymenium type Black spore print Typically seen in spring, summer and fall This is a common fungus that is found throughout the world. It's cap ranges from convex and campanulate to umbonate depending on

Panaeolus Cinctulus2023-11-21T12:45:16-07:00

Cortinarius Trivialis

Species: Trivialis Genus: Cortinarus Attributes Convex cap Gills are attached and its hymenium type Brown spore print Fruiting bodies are seen in late summer, fall and even winter in warmer climates in North America. This mushroom may be toxic, however it also contains a slimy veil which makes it

Cortinarius Trivialis2023-11-21T12:37:55-07:00
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